Hi, i tell you you i've choosen this fantastic blog to give it the LIEBSTERBLOG price, because your photoes always give me strong emotions! Congratulations! Please come to my blog in the next fews days to read the rules to accept this prise, of course everything is free and very easy to do!
So graceful and delicate and soft, luscious color!
fantastic color!
Do they look like IRIS? I will have to find out.
Anyway, they are lovely.
Beautiful closeup of a rare flower! Never seen such stunning color and shape! A National Geographic shot!
i tell you you i've choosen this fantastic blog to give it the LIEBSTERBLOG price, because your photoes always give me strong emotions! Congratulations!
Please come to my blog in the next fews days to read the rules to accept this prise, of course everything is free and very easy to do!
Cá está ela toda florida!
I love your blog -- what a delicate beauty. Imagine surviving on air and being that amazing!
Demais! As cores são incríveis, o movimento faz me pensar que podiam estar por debaixo de agua....
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