Thursday, 13 August 2009

Coral (III)


SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I have picked up pieces of these on the beach and they are so beautiful. Many years ago I used to go diving and snorkling. Another fascinating world below the waves.

Are these things like fish and cacti just a love/hobby Jose, or is it something you work with?

joo said...

It's shape is amazing!

Lowell said...

I'm especially impressed with this photograph. Did you lay it on a black cloth? The sharpness is powerful! A beautiful piece of coral!

crocrodyl said...

Beautiful! And it has wonderful interesting structure.

Anya said...

Looks so funny :))))
Its beautiful ...
Love the structure !!

Piitis said...

Hei JM!
Amazing photos!!!

^_^Piitis from Finland

Sharodindu said...

Amazing ripples...Some time i just think how creative our mother nature is...Thank god we can enjoy those creativity!
Nice post...